Hello, my name is Daniel Esmonde Deasy and I'm an Associate Professor of Philosophy in the School of Philosophy at University College Dublin (UCD). My full academic CV is here, and my contact details are below.
1. Research.
See here.
2. Supervision.
Since joining UCD, I have successfully supervised two PhD theses in the philosophy of time (by Dr. Luca Banfi and Dr. Naomi Corlett) and am currently supervising a third PhD thesis by Rachel Russell. From 2022 to 2024, I acted Mentor to Irish Research Council (IRC) Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Patrick Dawson. If you are interested in working with me either as a PhD student or Postdoctoral Fellow, or have questions about doing so, please email me at daniel[dot]deasy[at]ucd[dot]ie. The Irish Research Council website provides information on both PhD and Postdoctoral funding opportunities.
3. Service.
I am Co-Director with Alison Fernandes (Trinity College, Dublin) and Matyáš Moravec (Queen's University, Belfast) of the Irish Society for the Philosophy of Time; Director of the UCD Newman Centre for the Study of Religions; and Co-Chief Editor with Lisa Foran (UCD) of the International Journal of Philosophical Studies.
4. Teaching.
At UCD, I teach (or have taught) critical thinking; introduction to ethics; epistemology; metaphysics; philosophy of religion; and philosophy of time. My undergraduate module Animated Philosophy involved the creation of animated online ‘explainer’ videos by teams of students; you can see the course website here. I am currently writing a critical thinking textbook based on my first-year module Critical Thinking.
5. Training.
I received an M.A. in Philosophy (2007) from University College Cork and a B.Phil. (2010, Exeter College) and D.Phil (2014, St. Hilda’s College) in Philosophy from the University of Oxford. My M.A. thesis supervisor was Joel Walmsley (UCC) and my BPhil thesis supervisor was John Hawthorne (USC). My D.Phil. supervisors were Cian Dorr (NYU) and John Hawthorne (USC), and my examiners were Timothy Williamson (Oxford) and Dean Zimmerman (Rutgers). Before joining UCD School of Philosophy, I worked as a Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy at Magdalen College, University of Oxford and as an occasional Lecturer in Philosophy at University College, Cork.
6. Contact.
My e-mail address is daniel[dot]deasy[at]ucd[dot]ie. Please feel free to email me if you are interested in working with me as a doctoral student or postdoctoral researcher at UCD, or you wish to know more about studying philosophy at UCD.
1. Research.
See here.
2. Supervision.
Since joining UCD, I have successfully supervised two PhD theses in the philosophy of time (by Dr. Luca Banfi and Dr. Naomi Corlett) and am currently supervising a third PhD thesis by Rachel Russell. From 2022 to 2024, I acted Mentor to Irish Research Council (IRC) Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Patrick Dawson. If you are interested in working with me either as a PhD student or Postdoctoral Fellow, or have questions about doing so, please email me at daniel[dot]deasy[at]ucd[dot]ie. The Irish Research Council website provides information on both PhD and Postdoctoral funding opportunities.
3. Service.
I am Co-Director with Alison Fernandes (Trinity College, Dublin) and Matyáš Moravec (Queen's University, Belfast) of the Irish Society for the Philosophy of Time; Director of the UCD Newman Centre for the Study of Religions; and Co-Chief Editor with Lisa Foran (UCD) of the International Journal of Philosophical Studies.
4. Teaching.
At UCD, I teach (or have taught) critical thinking; introduction to ethics; epistemology; metaphysics; philosophy of religion; and philosophy of time. My undergraduate module Animated Philosophy involved the creation of animated online ‘explainer’ videos by teams of students; you can see the course website here. I am currently writing a critical thinking textbook based on my first-year module Critical Thinking.
5. Training.
I received an M.A. in Philosophy (2007) from University College Cork and a B.Phil. (2010, Exeter College) and D.Phil (2014, St. Hilda’s College) in Philosophy from the University of Oxford. My M.A. thesis supervisor was Joel Walmsley (UCC) and my BPhil thesis supervisor was John Hawthorne (USC). My D.Phil. supervisors were Cian Dorr (NYU) and John Hawthorne (USC), and my examiners were Timothy Williamson (Oxford) and Dean Zimmerman (Rutgers). Before joining UCD School of Philosophy, I worked as a Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy at Magdalen College, University of Oxford and as an occasional Lecturer in Philosophy at University College, Cork.
6. Contact.
My e-mail address is daniel[dot]deasy[at]ucd[dot]ie. Please feel free to email me if you are interested in working with me as a doctoral student or postdoctoral researcher at UCD, or you wish to know more about studying philosophy at UCD.
Above: UCD Newman House, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin.